Thursday, November 27, 2008

Neck Update

Update on my neck and shoulder!
I went to the Dr. again on Monday and was seen by the Sports Medicine DR. this time. He did an exam of my neck and shoulder, asked a bunch of questions, took a look at my new x-rays and decided that I will need to have an MRI. So I finally have an apt. for my MRI on December 23 @ 1:00. He did seem a bit concerned while looking at my x-rays but never really told me what he thought the problem might be. He did mention that depending on the results of my MRI I may need to have surgery and that I will definitely need physical therapy. So I am a month away from finding out what has been causing me so much pain.
I will keep you updated!


I sure hope that everyone is having a great Thanksgiving! I am currently at my sisters house enjoying my family's company! The boys are playing cards, Rob is cooking, and the rest of us are watching football. The smell of Turkey and cinnamon fills the air. We are having a great time.
Here's to the turkey being moist, the potato's being smooth and your pants having elastic.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


So I went to the Dr. on Thursday for my very first apt. regarding my neck and shoulder situation. It went pretty well. I really like the Dr. that I will be seeing. He is very nice, has a great sense of humor and listened to everything I told him! That is always a PLUS!!!
He asked me a bunch of questions, examined my neck and shoulder and decided that after looking at my x-rays that I had brought with me, he wanted to have more x-rays taken by his team. So Friday we went to the X-ray place and had 5 more x-rays taken. I have another apt. on Monday to see a Sports Medicine DR. He will have looked at the new x-rays and decide what to do from there. So I still have no idea what is wrong with me but at least I am getting closer to an answer.
I will keep you up to date!

13 and 0 it's OFF TO STATE WE GO!

I am so excited! The boys won their third and final playoff game today!!! So they are now 13 - 0!!! We are now headed to the STATE Finals!!! That game will be held on Saturday November 29th at INVESCO FIELD (Broncos Stadium) We are all so excited but I am sure that Nathan and the rest of the team is even more excited than we can imagine! To have the opportunity to dress in the Broncos dressing rooms and then to step onto the same field that they play on...what a wonderful memory that will last a lifetime! I already have our tickets to the game...I might be a bit excited!! LOL


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Big Day

Tomorrow is the Big day!! I finally get to see a DR. about my neck and shoulder. I have my x-ray's and letter from my chiro in my hot little hands and I am ready!! I know that they will not be able to "FIX" the problem at tomorrow's apt. but at least it is a start! I am scheduled for a "new patient" apt. so who knows what all that will mean. I am sure something along the lines of weight, height, last period, how many births...etc! All the boring stuff. But I hope that I will be able to convince them that I need an MRI! And they will schedule one for me...LOL! Wish me luck!

Feeling a Bit Crafty!

I was feeling a bit crafty yesterday so I decided that I should get around to making some Thanksgiving Cards! I only had the energy to make two..LOL I made one for my Chiro and one for Andrew's teacher! I sure hope that they like them. Enjoy~~

Monday, November 17, 2008

Another boring Monday!

Another boring Monday here in beautiful Colorado! The weather has been amazing for November. Usually we have had at least one good snowfall by this time in the month. Today's high was 75 in my neighborhood! I am told that tomorrow will be the same if not higher. I am sure that a big storm is on the way...but when.
I didn't get anything accomplished today. Well just the normal Monday to school, chiropractor, pick kids up from school...that was it! Nathan did not have practice today so it was nice not having to go back out and get him. They have their last playoff game scheduled for Saturday @1:00. It is against Dakota Ridge, whom we crushed the last time we played them. So I am hope full that we can do it again. If we can than it is off to the State Games @ Invesco Field on the 29th!!!! I am so excited about having Nathan step onto the field where the Big Boy's play!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

12-0 One More To Go!

WOOHOO!! 12 and 0 and only one more game to go before the State Finals! I am so excited that the team is doing so well. We are having a blast going to all the games. Last night was a bit cold (28 degrees) for me, but I sucked it up and enjoyed myself.
It was a pretty exciting game. The final score was 28-13 or something like that. All but 2 of our games we have scored at least 50 or more points. So it goes without saying that the games are getting tougher. They have one more playoff game and then it is off to the State Championship. That game will be played at Invesco Stadium @ Mile High..where the Broncos play! How exciting is that, to play on the same field as the Broncos!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Letters to Santa

So I was given a task by my husband and a co worker at his work to make a "Letter's to Santa" mail box. We had come up with the idea to make an igloo the goes over the top of the mailbox. Unfortunitly I could not find styrofoam that was big enough for the project!
So this is the idea that we decided to go with. My hubby painted the pole and stand with a spray paint that is very simular to Pazzles Blue..LOL (pole is PVC pipeing). Then I took it home and went to town with my Pazzles. I cut everything with my Pazzles. The snowflakes that have the ACE Hardware logo cut into it, the swirls for the pole that the snowflakes hang from, the lettering, the Santa (file by LOVE MY ZOMBIE)..Everything! I even made icecycles that hang from the sides of the mail box (can not really see them in photos)!
So from us to you...a very early MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Oh my word I am SICK AS A DOG today!
My sweet Andrew caught a cold (most likely from school) last week and has been sharing with everyone...LOL! Rob caught it on Saturday. I am sure sitting in the cold watching the football game did not help. He is worse off than I am, he has just about lost his voice. I have a runny nose and just feel all run down! I am hopeing that Nathan does not get it or he will have a hard time playing football on Friday.
Well I am off to find some OJ and chicken soup for everyone!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ready for a Change!

As I have said before this years election was the first time EVER that I have voted in my 38 years. I have never been one to watch CNN or follow any type of election coverage. I have always felt that my vote would not count, that they put who they want into the White House no matter what.
I have been moved by this years election. I watched all the TV coverage, followed all the debates and paid close attention to everything everyone said. There is something special about this election. Not just the sex of the canidates or color of their skin, but for the first time I truely believe that this will be the year that something will really be changed for the better. My family has been strugling with money issues and health issues just like everyone else, having to make the choice between paying a bill or going to the DR. And I feel that maybe in the near future that will not be an issue or not as big of an issue.
I look forward to what the future holds for this wonderful country! Thank you for these wonderful words President Elect Obama "Not a red state, not a blue state, but the UNITED STATES."

11 and 0


Well the Wheat Ridge boys have done it again! Last night they beat Rock Canyon 59-27 in the first playoff game. It was such an exciting game. Nothing beats watching a game of football on a Friday night under the bright lights! The weather was very cold and we each had about 3 or 4 layers of clothes on but it was worth it. Next week we will be going on to game #2 against Fountain Ft. Carson. I am looking forward to it. This time I will bring more hot chocolate!!

Friday, November 7, 2008


I am so freakin excited! I was able to get CICP for me and my hubby! The lady that did our aplication was so nice and fun to work with. Andrew was extemely well behaved..I was so proud of him. I know it was hard for me to sit still for over 2 hours so it had to be even worse on him.
I have an appointment on November 20th to finally see a DR. About my neck and shoulder. I know that this will be a long process but at least we are on our way to finding out what is really going on in my body. And hopefully in a month or so I will be up and running again! The last 2 days I have been in so much pain that all i can do is just lay around with my hot water bottle. My house looks as if something has exploded. I REALLY REALLY need to clean it.
Tonight is Nathan's (the team's) first playoff game so I have been resting my neck so I will be able to go without suffering too much (I HOPE) If he plays in one play he will automatically letter in Football! Of course we are excited about this. Hopefully we can get the score up really high so everyone can play.
~~ G O F A R M E R S ~~

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wish me Luck

Well tomorrow is the day...
I have an apt. in the morning to see if I can qualify to get CICP. CICP is a program that helps people pay for medical issues that come up. We do not have any insurance so we just do not go to the doctor unless it is really an emergency. If we qualify for this program then I can finally get the help I need to find out what is going on with my neck and shoulder. I have been dealing with this now for almost 5 months. I have not been able to do much of anything for any length of time. Driving, sitting, walking,it is all painful. It does not seem to want to go away on its own and my Chiropractor is just about out of ideas on how to help me. My spine (neck) seems to be getting a little better, I mean I can move my neck now without too much spinal pain. My shoulder however seems to be getting worse. Last night was the first time in 2 weeks that I could sleep in my own bed and not on the couch. I have been told by my Chiro and the DR. that i see at a clinic that I MUST have an MRI, but I do not have an extra $900 laying around. CICP will help me pay for Dr. apts an MRI, even surgery if I find out that's what I need.
So keep your fingers crossed that we qualify!