Saturday, October 3, 2009


I am so glad that my son does not read my blog because he would kill me if he knew I was talking about this.
Today when I came home from work my son informed me that he and his "girlfriend" Jess were going to the movies. Now he has been talking to her at school and they text ALL THE TIME!! They are going to Homecoming together but have never had a real first date. They went to the movie theater and got to see Ice Age 3. He walked her to the driveway after the movie and gave her a hug! So I asked him if they were officially going out now...(he told me a few weeks ago that in his school you had to hold hands and then you were officially going out). HE of course said.."I dont know." Silly boy, it only gets harder from here!
This was the first time I had met her and even got to meet her parents. They were all very nice. I warned her that if I am driving them to Homecoming I get to take my fair share of pictures before the dance. She told me that her mom said basically the same thing.