Tuesday, March 31, 2009


It has been a bit chilly around here the last week or so. I do not like to turn up the heater because it is just too expensive. So when I went to get into bed the other night this is the sweet surprise that I found! I had a little bed warmer in my bed!!



SO I went to my 3 week post-op appointment today. And I left with this lovely picture of my innards..LOL
Doctor D. says that I seem to be healing well. The strength is coming back in my left arm and hand and the incision is looking really good. He wants me to come back in three weeks for another check up and most likely another Xray. I was told to keep doing what I have been doing..or should I say NOT DOING! Still cant drive,cook, clean, run, and so many more things I enjoy to do. I didn't even get yelled at for scrapbooking so long as I keep my collar on at all times and it does not hurt. Here is a groovy picture of my new hardware!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Here is my layout for the Fiskateers "ORANGE " Challenge!

The only rule was to create a new layout or 2 cards with orange as the main color!

I sure had fun making this page! I know that I am not supposed to be doing any scrapbooking or crafting for another 3 weeks or so, but I could not help myself! I was having withdrawals!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


So last night the news told all of us here in Colorado that we should wake up to a dusting of snow on the grass and pretty clear roads. They said that by noon it would start to stick to the ground and by 4:00 it would be a very heavy downpour of snow. The snow would continue into 9am Friday morning.
So... we woke the boys up and started our day. I turned on the news and heard the lady say that all the school were closed. So of course I looked out the window to see how bad it must be bad if they closed the schools right.? IT WAS DRY!! I thought they know something I don't know?
So we decided to take Nathan to get his drivers permit and then go look at a house (we are trying to buy a house). By the time we got the DMV you could not even see the car in front of you...this was 8:30 am! By noon we could barely open the doors to get back into the car..the snow was at least 10 inches deep. It took us almost an hour to get home from the house we were looking at ..this normally takes maybe 15-20 minutes.
So all in all the weather guys got it right, sorta! They had the amounts of snow they predicted correct but the times were WAY OFF!!!
The school just called to let us know that school will be canceled for Friday also due to the fact that we now have at least a foot of snow on the ground and the temp outside is in the teens! An extra 2 days of spring break!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Here is a sneak peek at what I have been working on . I'm not gonna show you the entire thing because I am still working on it!

I started this little paper bag album before my surgery so I could chronicle the events that took place with my neck.

I stated off with 4 white paper bags. I folded them so that each one is facing the opposite way of the one in front of it. I then used my Crop a Dile to make holes for some eyelets along the side. I used some ribbon to tie it all together!

I bought a 6x6 paper pack of Making Memories "Chloe's Closet" I love this paper and I am addicted to 6 x 6 albums! I started adding paper to each page and mixing the patterns for a fun effect! Each page (bag) opens at one end so that you can put papers, or scraps, or stuff from the hospital in my case in it. If you are like me you keep everything when you go to the hospital (arm bands, lunch menus...yes I do mean everything)

I will finish the album soon I hope and then I will post more photos! I am a bit slow right now at crafting as I can not move my neck or look down so it may take me a bit to complete! So far it is turning out really cute!


Sunday, March 22, 2009


It has been 2 weeks since I had my surgery and I must say that I am doing pretty well! My energy for the most part is up and my pain is down..WOOHOO! I did change my pain meds to a muscle relaxer and a pain med on my own (what I was taking before surgery). I was getting a bit worried that I may have done something bad to myself by the end of last week. I had so much pain in my left shoulder and down my arm into my hand that I was about to call my surgeon and ask him to check me out. That is when i switched my meds and now everything seems to be ok! I have a check up on March 31. He said he will check my incision and ask my a bunch of questions and that is about it. I have 4 weeks left in my dog collar (as I call it). I have to say I CAN NOT WAIT TO GET THIS OFF!! It has been very warm here in Colorado so my neck and back are sweaty from having this thing on.
On another boys have been doing a FABULOUS job keeping the house clean and food on the table for everyone. Rob is right on target getting the boys to school and making sure the house does not fall down around me!
We have also been searching for a house to buy during this entire process. Let me tell you that I have been in alot of houses lately. I don't remember my doctor saying I couldn't go house hunting during this 6 weeks..LOL! We have put an offer in on 2 houses today. We are hope full to get a contract on at least one of them. One is move in ready and the other we would have to put a bunch of work into once we get it. So I will be happy to get either one. Nothing makes you love your house like a little sweat and blood!
I will update again soon!
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!

Monday, March 16, 2009


So the night before last Rob came home from work complaining that he was not feeling well and that he was nauseous. The next morning he got up and took a shower and was off to work. I get a phone call from him about 2 hours later saying that he was in extreme pain and thought he would come home for the day. He said he was sitting at his desk in tears from the pain. Once he returned home he informed me that he had almost passed out in the shower and that he was sickly feeling again and his back hurt. I drugged him, took his temp and sent him off to bed. This morning he could hardly move. He would get up and within a few steps, fall to his knees in pain. I called the nurse at the clinic and she asked us a bunch of questions. She felt that it was very possible that he may have something wrong with his kidneys (stones or infection) and that we should get to the hospital as soon as possible.
Well lets see ....I can not drive for 6 weeks, he is in so much pain he can not drive...WHAT TO DO?? So I called my sister at work and she decided she would leave work and drop us off at the hospital and we could call her for a pick up when we were done.

VISUAL HERE::: Here I am with my neck in a Chinese torture devise and walking with my pick up stick thingy they gave me at the hospital..oh yea in my PJ's of course. And then here is my poor hubby in his BRONCOS PJ's with a cane walking half bent over from the pain. Almost dropping to his knees every 5 seconds. IT WAS LIKE THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND!

After a few hours in the walk-in clinic and a bunch of tests later they decided that it was most likely NOT a kidney infection or stones. They are pretty sure that he messed up his back somehow and it was having really bad spasms. They gave him some pain killers and sent him on his way.

Now I told him that I love it when we spend time together but this was really not what I meant!!

We came home and took a nap, both totally exhausted from our morning excursion. We are both feeling a bit better.
Dont we just look so lovely in our PJ's and broken in bed! LOL
>>>Did you notice that I made sure to take my camera with me to the hospital ..LOL

Saturday, March 14, 2009



Well here it is!! Sorry if it is too gross to look at but some of you were wondering how big the cut was. According to my sister it looks really healthy...whatever that means! My neck is really dirty looking from all the pen markings and from being trapped in this darn head collar! I have great pity for my animals when they have to wear these things. I will keep you up to date if anything changes.
~Feeling good today

Thursday, March 12, 2009


This will be short but I just wanted you all to know that I am home from the Hospital. I came home on Wednesday. I am feeling pretty good. I am extremely tired and a bit on the sore side, but good all together. My boys have been taking great care of me. Making me stuff to eat and making sure it is small enough that I don't choke on it.

My left arm and hand are still an issue for me. Thumb is still numb and left shoulder still painful while sitting upright. Doctor says that it may get better but it also may not...we will have to wait and see when the swelling goes away. He said that the nerves were being squished pretty badly so it may be several months until I know anything.

Ok, enough for now! Thank you to all who have sent prayers and well wishes. I will post more later.

Keep in mind this picture was taken the day I came home...promise I don't really look this bad normally...LOL

Monday, March 9, 2009


Well it is the morning of my surgery. It is 4:26 am and I am just about to jump in the shower and head out to the hospital. I have everything packed and ready to go.
I am a bit nervous but that is to be expected. I did not sleep well last night. I kept waking up thinking I had over slept.
The boys and I cleaned the house and got all the laundry caught up so that they will not have to do any catch up while I am at the hospital. I still need to call the schools and make sure they know that they will not be in school today. Other than that I am ready.
I am really glad that my surgery was canceled last month and rescheduled. My mind is in a better place and I feel good about the surgery now. I don't think I was ready before.
So, on that note, I will get going. I will post as soon as I can. Thank you to everyone who has been sending me thoughts and prayers!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Just a quick St. Patty's Day card that I made for my landlord and for Andrew's teacher! I figure I had better get these done before my surgery on Monday! I sure hope they like them!
Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


It is finally here!! Tonight Nathan finally received his State Football Championship Ring!
Coach called all the boys together at a pizza parlor and gave out the rings. It was a long process of watching them all eat and them handing each player their rings and then watching them open them. You could feel the excitement in the room.
Andrew was a bit upset that he did not get a ring so when we got home I remembered that my friend Pinky had sent me a clear ring in a RAK that I had won from her. So I found an "A" sticker and put it on the ring and presented it to him! HE LOVED IT!! Has not taken it off since. So a HUGE THANK YOU to you Pinky for saving the day!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I just thought I would post a picture of an Easter card that I made today. I actually made two different versions of this card. I will be giving one of them to my Landlord and one to Andrew's teacher.