Monday, March 16, 2009


So the night before last Rob came home from work complaining that he was not feeling well and that he was nauseous. The next morning he got up and took a shower and was off to work. I get a phone call from him about 2 hours later saying that he was in extreme pain and thought he would come home for the day. He said he was sitting at his desk in tears from the pain. Once he returned home he informed me that he had almost passed out in the shower and that he was sickly feeling again and his back hurt. I drugged him, took his temp and sent him off to bed. This morning he could hardly move. He would get up and within a few steps, fall to his knees in pain. I called the nurse at the clinic and she asked us a bunch of questions. She felt that it was very possible that he may have something wrong with his kidneys (stones or infection) and that we should get to the hospital as soon as possible.
Well lets see ....I can not drive for 6 weeks, he is in so much pain he can not drive...WHAT TO DO?? So I called my sister at work and she decided she would leave work and drop us off at the hospital and we could call her for a pick up when we were done.

VISUAL HERE::: Here I am with my neck in a Chinese torture devise and walking with my pick up stick thingy they gave me at the hospital..oh yea in my PJ's of course. And then here is my poor hubby in his BRONCOS PJ's with a cane walking half bent over from the pain. Almost dropping to his knees every 5 seconds. IT WAS LIKE THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND!

After a few hours in the walk-in clinic and a bunch of tests later they decided that it was most likely NOT a kidney infection or stones. They are pretty sure that he messed up his back somehow and it was having really bad spasms. They gave him some pain killers and sent him on his way.

Now I told him that I love it when we spend time together but this was really not what I meant!!

We came home and took a nap, both totally exhausted from our morning excursion. We are both feeling a bit better.
Dont we just look so lovely in our PJ's and broken in bed! LOL
>>>Did you notice that I made sure to take my camera with me to the hospital ..LOL