So last night the news told all of us here in Colorado that we should wake up to a dusting of snow on the grass and pretty clear roads. They said that by noon it would start to stick to the ground and by 4:00 it would be a very heavy downpour of snow. The snow would continue into 9am Friday morning.
So... we woke the boys up and started our day. I turned on the news and heard the lady say that all the school were closed. So of course I looked out the window to see how bad it must be bad if they closed the schools right.? IT WAS DRY!! I thought they know something I don't know?
So we decided to take Nathan to get his drivers permit and then go look at a house (we are trying to buy a house). By the time we got the DMV you could not even see the car in front of you...this was 8:30 am! By noon we could barely open the doors to get back into the car..the snow was at least 10 inches deep. It took us almost an hour to get home from the house we were looking at ..this normally takes maybe 15-20 minutes.
So all in all the weather guys got it right, sorta! They had the amounts of snow they predicted correct but the times were WAY OFF!!!
The school just called to let us know that school will be canceled for Friday also due to the fact that we now have at least a foot of snow on the ground and the temp outside is in the teens! An extra 2 days of spring break!!
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7 years ago
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