This will be short but I just wanted you all to know that I am home from the Hospital. I came home on Wednesday. I am feeling pretty good. I am extremely tired and a bit on the sore side, but good all together. My boys have been taking great care of me. Making me stuff to eat and making sure it is small enough that I don't choke on it.
My left arm and hand are still an issue for me. Thumb is still numb and left shoulder still painful while sitting upright. Doctor says that it may get better but it also may not...we will have to wait and see when the swelling goes away. He said that the nerves were being squished pretty badly so it may be several months until I know anything.
Ok, enough for now! Thank you to all who have sent prayers and well wishes. I will post more later.
Keep in mind this picture was taken the day I came home...promise I don't really look this bad normally...LOL
Reading this really brought back memories of when I went thru the same surgery. I didn't get the plastic neck thingy, I was blessed with a soft collar. Even after the Dr. telling me the pain in my arm and hand would go away, it was a long time doing so. I think I have permanent damage to the nerves in my left forefinger and middle finger. The body seems to become accustomed to it and it soon is not noticable. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
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