Hello everyone~
Well I am running around trying to get everything done before my surgery tomorrow. Cleaning the house is the big issue for me. I hate to come home and have my house all icky! Of course I will be gone for 3 days so who knows what it will look like when I get back. All this work may be for nothing but at least I will know that it WAS clean.
I am pretty sure I have enough groceries for at least a few days. I am leaving the boys to their own devices when it comes to cooking. Rob knows that it will not be all take out or I will beat him...LOL!
I still have to help Andrew fill out his Valentines Day cards for his class and put the little gift bags together. That should be an all day process since he only likes to buy the cards not fill them out.
My mind is in a good spot finally about the surgery. I started to question whether I really needed the surgey because my neck has not been hurting much for 2 weeks now. Rob pointed out that I really have not been doing anything during that time, just kinda laying around taking it easy. Then last night while at my sister house it started hurting a bit and I remembered why I was doing this. Silly I know! I guess I will try to "enjoy" my time by myself while in the hospital, if that is even possible!
I have been asked by several people to post an email or note on my blog once I am feeling up to it to let everyone know how everything is going after surgery. I will either do it myself or have my hubby do it.
I would just like to say thank you for all your continued support and prayers through all of this. I will be taking all of it with me into surgey! So thanks for that! So I guess that is it for now! Take care and I will post again soon!
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7 years ago
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