Monday, February 23, 2009


So I get this phone call from my hubby today, and he tells me "I have good news and bad news". In today's economy my mind automatically went right to "oh crap he got fired"! Luckily that was not it! He proceeds to tell me that our Landlord will be putting the house we live in on the market to be sold. Now normally this would not be a big deal to most people. However, it kinda sucks for us right now. Here is the story!

About a year ago our landlord who happens to be an employee of Rob's (my hubby) asked us if we would like to move into the house that she grew up in. Her brother had passed away a few months earlier and they needed someone to live in the house until they put it on the market. She told us she would give us a year to live there or however long after the year was up and it sold (so we knew we would be moving again soon). Anyway the cool part was that we only had to pay $225 a month in rent plus utilities (we were paying $900 a month plus utilities). We thought how cool is that we could get some of our bills paid off and be in great shape in a year! Well life happened as it always does and we have not gotten as far as we thought we would. We did pay off a few things but we still have nothing in savings. Now comes the hard part of finding a place to rent that has 3 or 4 bedrooms , allows pets, kids, and is cheap enough for us to afford! We should be used to this, we have moved 45 times in the last 5 years. My sister calls us NOMADS!!
So I am told that they will start this house out at $500,000. It is an old house (about 80 years old). It is not in the best of shape but the property is worth $400,000 alone and that does not include the house. I am sure that someone will buy this place pretty quickly being that it is lake front property. There is a guy in the area who has asked me twice when she will be selling so I know he will be the first to jump at the chance once it goes on market. The good news part of the phone call was that she is willing to sell it to us for $400,000! I just laughed and told him that was not good news, but it was funny!

I have to say that we are truely thankful for everything that her and her family have done for us. We are blessed to have them in our lives and think of them as family!