Well tomorrow is the day...
I have an apt. in the morning to see if I can qualify to get CICP. CICP is a program that helps people pay for medical issues that come up. We do not have any insurance so we just do not go to the doctor unless it is really an emergency. If we qualify for this program then I can finally get the help I need to find out what is going on with my neck and shoulder. I have been dealing with this now for almost 5 months. I have not been able to do much of anything for any length of time. Driving, sitting, walking,it is all painful. It does not seem to want to go away on its own and my Chiropractor is just about out of ideas on how to help me. My spine (neck) seems to be getting a little better, I mean I can move my neck now without too much spinal pain. My shoulder however seems to be getting worse. Last night was the first time in 2 weeks that I could sleep in my own bed and not on the couch. I have been told by my Chiro and the DR. that i see at a clinic that I MUST have an MRI, but I do not have an extra $900 laying around. CICP will help me pay for Dr. apts an MRI, even surgery if I find out that's what I need.
So keep your fingers crossed that we qualify!
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7 years ago
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