Well I hope that everyone had a great Halloween!
We had the best day today! It started with a party at Andrew's school. All the kids got to dress up in their costume's and then have a parade around the school to show off how cute..or scary they looked! After the parade each classroom had their own class party. I volunteered Rob and I to help out in the classroom. I made cupcakes that each kid could decorate with sprinkles and put together some "goody bags" that included candy, a pencil, tattoos, and some playdough! Other parents brought some veggies (EWW) and juice. They seemed to have a great time!
This was Rob's first year off for Halloween since we met s the boys were pretty excited about TRICK or TREATING!! See, Rob loves to dress up for Halloween and scare the crap out of little kids. He usually is the only one at work who dresses up and then stands at the front of the store and scares people as they come up to the door. But this year Halloween fell on his day off!
After dinner we got our costumes on and headed to the best neighborhood on earth for trick or treating! They have a bunch of houses that participate and they give out a lot of candy per kid. Rob of course was in seventh heaven! He was scaring just about every kid out tonight. He made kids stop in their tracks and turn around and go the other direction!! It was GREAT!!! He even got a few adults to scream.
Once Andrew's bag was full we went to our old neighbors house to say hello (we had not seen them since we moved..bad us!) It was nice seeing them and catching up.
What a great day had by all. It sure was one to remember!
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7 years ago
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