Monday, September 21, 2009


Hello everyone,
I sure hope that you are all doing really well! The weather here in Colorado is cold, rainy and a bit windy!! I have the day off and have been cleaning all day trying to get my house back into some kind of shape!!
Well some of you may already know, but I thought I would share with everyone else. Two days ago I woke to my hubby telling me that he was being laid off from his job of more than 5 years! I was in shock! I think I may still be in shock!!
He went into work on Saturday and was told that he has 30 days to find a new job and that he would have to leave at the 30 day mark. He was given some lame excuse as to why they are letting him go but we all know it has to do with money! They can hire 2 people to work his job for the same price as he makes! Funny how they gave him a 5% raise just two weeks earlier!!
Anyway, we are pulling up our pants and moving forward. 30 days is better than no days! He can look for a job during that time and if he does not find something then he will have to file for unemployment! We will have to make a few deciding whether to eat or pay bills but we will get through it with our heads held HIGH!!! I know that God has a master plan and that we will be just fine once the shock wears off!
Keep your fingers crossed for us!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Ok, I am finishing up my first official week of work and let me tell you....I can feel every muscle in my body! Apparently when you take 2 years off from working(outside the home) your body forgets what it was like! I hurt EVERYWHERE!!!! I am not used to standing on my feet for 5 hours at a time. Well not even just standing, I am walking back and forth and around the store, up a tall ladder and back again for 5 hours straight! I am too old to be this busy...LOL!!
Actually so far I really seem to like my job! I am kinda shocked though how out of shape my body really is but I know it will get better with time!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Well my 2 year resting period is over! I finally got myself a job! Today will be my second day at work! Yesterday was filled with watching videos and filling out paper work! Today will most likely be more of the same, but hey I am getting paid!!
We knew when we bought our house that I would have to go back to work to help out with the bills! Plus when you work this hard to remodel a house it is nice to have at least a bit of spending money too!
So off I go to get ready for work! Just thought I would share!